Classes and Workshops
Amy offers online classes, private lessons, and workshops.Online Classes
Receive world-class instruction from the comfort of your own home. Amy offers online classes through the Fenzi Dog Sports Academy.
Private Lessons
Work one-on-one with Amy. Private online lessons are available for students all over the world.
Workshops and Seminars
Not in the immediate Oakland area? Amy offers seminars and workshops during the year in various locations throughout the United States.
Online Classes with FDSA
When dealing with fearful, shy, or reactive dogs, it’s critical to move at the dog’s pace. Online classes are ideal for this, since you get quality instruction, but can start training in the comfort of your own home!
Amy offers a variety of classes through the Fenzi Dog Sports Academy.
Private Online Lessons
Amy offers private lessons online via Zoom. During these sessions Amy will help you and your dog to build a better relationship through training and play. She specializes in helping dogs who may be fearful or shy feel more comfortable in the world around them.

Seminars and Workshops
Amy is available for seminars and workshops throughout the US. She speaks multiple times each year on topics including learning theory; management techniques for living with fearful, shy, and reactive dogs; her innovative rehabilitation program, The Play way; or on custom topics, uniquely created just for a specific venue.